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  • 1 month, 3 weeks ago
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  • What a amazing folder of melt we have here then!!! bricks doing there own thing turing into rocks cobbles boulders and all by altered states of matter changing their size shape and appearance plus some nice underground melting of the interiors they tell us are caves!! Plus some huge melted buildings what turned into mountains!! Yes mountains are…Read More

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    • Yes, they even looked beautiful destroyed!! The funny thing is people prepare all of their life to climb a huge mountain, like Mount Everest. Sometimes they don’t make it and sometimes they bodies are riddled with frost bite, loss of vision, and so on. They have no idea that their climbing a building. Sad, but true.

  • Some amazing melt gone on here almost like crystalized and you can clearly see were once huge old world buildings that were X factored!!!

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    • Looks like the desert. What odd is that it has very little red brick pigment. Maybe this area was hit harder by the X-factor event. Great Images!!

  • Its all about meltology and our damaged circuit board earth!!
    Yes is true we live on a melted circuit board where all the buildings and infrastructure was connected channelling energy around the realm powering it with a technology long forgotten

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    • Do you think that they have the technology and are keeping it hidden? It seems like little by little they give us a tiny bit of “new” technology. Only to control and us and keep us dumbed down. Or do you think that they don’t have any advanced technologies. 🤔

  • More unbeatable evidence of melted buildings debunking geology and academia history in fact its the new beginning of the new truth education and the most fascinating subject of all!!!!!!!!

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    • The sad thing about academia is that if they didn’t pump all there lies into kids, they would naturally notice and learn about the world around them. Truthfully, even time a see a big yellow school bus I feel angry. I know those kids are being lied to and prepared for a life of slavery. 💔💔

  • More incredible evidence of melted ruins its so unbelievable to think that intense electrical heat can transform bricks concrete and mortar into what we are seeing here whether its pale cooked out bricks or huge fused blocks or even into giant boulders its all part of the cooking process with different levels of this electrical heat right down to…Read More

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    • i do wonder where are the people. What happened to them? I dont think they died here, I think they teleported to wherever, or possibly living the in deep oceans. Why don’t they come looking for us. They must know the were being rulied by monsters. So many quesiotns…

  • Check out these amazing photos of our melted world and some brilliant pockets of survival of buildings fused into the melt or rock curtains as we know them by
    There are just too many examples of this amazing evidence for us to ignore and hoping we can wake up the masses to this meltology because it really is time to format our brains and start…Read More

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    • You are correct, the damage is always consistnet. The govement(s) will never allow a school that teaches truth. Especaily a childrens show with pupets and field trips to the damaged buildings. They even have home schools regulated.

  • More melted destruction in all different shape and form giving the illusion of rocks boulders and mountains making up the majority of what we see with our eyes and what we was told by the parasites until recently when we discovered the world to be a melted mess!
    This is not destruction from wars or derelict old buildings or erosion from weather…Read More

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    • there is no damage from any animals, no dinosaur damage or damage from wild packs of wolves and wild dogs. I rarely see any animals from the old world. Once in a while you will see some horses, but they looked staged in the photographs.

  • Caves are not what we have been told and the lies get bigger and bigger but we know these are the melted interior of the huge buildings and the stalagmites and stalactites are the result of melting dripping hot bricks and concrete and not mineral deposits or crystal formations this is just masonic academic lies and the spawning of geology, yet…Read More

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  • Check out these so called landscape photos and the masses still think they are scenery and don’t see they are damaged melted buildings!!! We have the eyes to see this and there are some amazing photos here of gigantic buildings that just keeled over during the meltdown falling on their side its so amazing what happened in this world not too long…Read More

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  • More in your face meltology with the addition of some eye candy but amazing melt going on here and from different locations around the world and the masses go there to holiday and relax among the ruins of a recently destroyed civilisation how f*cking strange!!!!!!!

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  • Well if it isn’t in plain sight!!! Calendar girls and guys modelling for photo shoots among the melt folks!!
    All these so called holiday destinations are melted ruins glorified with these models almost like they are mocking us

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  • Again more melted ruins from one single civilisation the only one before us and that was the old world
    Also the disgusting parasites f*ck with your mind with different histories and narratives about previous civilisations like Mayans Egyptians Ancient Greeks and all this is pure nonsense together with evolution
    and dinosaurs ffs its just so…Read More

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    • Having a hard time my notifications. Sometimes I can read them, other times I can’t. So, if I don’t respond that why. So many lives, history, geology, the bible, all written to confuse us. It’s working. One day I hope people wake up and do exactly what they’re NOT told to do. Don’t they see that working a little job and live from paycheck to…Read More

      • The biggest and most harrowing threat the world has is FEAR!!!!!!! this is what binds us to slavery and fear of having no money because in this world is difficult to break free from FEAR and survive as the masses are too comfortable with everything done and provided for them so currency is a major problem which goes with the convenience of a lazy…Read More

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All things Meltology such as Red Bricks, Mountains and Melted Buildings.

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