Justin T joined the group When The Buildings Cried
MEDIA KYMATICA and Justin T are now friends
Gav Valentine and Justin T are now friends
Justin T changed their profile picture
Justin T Changed their profile cover
Dr. James P Wickstrom has a great summary on everything people have done in the bame of ”jew”. This is not a theorizing website, it is for meltology, we want people to discover this and not be discouraged.
Justin T joined the group Muscle-Car-Mania
Justin T joined the group Control Freaks who have no authority over us
Stay sane out there folks, the pushback against flat earth awareness is getting strong!
Justin T joined the group Pancake Realm (Flat Earth)
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Yeah, well who do you think has been covering up the truth about meltology/our past, stealing artifacts, withholding technology, making up fake history and geology bullshit, etc?