Michael Andrew Clayton AKA The Stang posted in the group Meltologists
If you check out these photos you’ll soon realise that coastlines are just gigantic melted structures and not cliffs or mountain formations like we were conditioned by the indoctrination schools and the world is constructed from red bricks and the deeper we go down is still melted buildings so this world was huge the infrastructure was mind b…Read More
Michael Andrew Clayton AKA The Stang posted in the group Meltologists
If you check out these photos you’ll soon realise that coastlines are just gigantic melted structures and not cliffs or mountain formations like we were conditioned by the indoctrination schools and the world is constructed from red bricks
Michael Andrew Clayton AKA The Stang posted in the group Meltologists
Some amazing meltology evidence from above and below our feet you better believe we live on a melted circuit board because these photos clearly show melting, heat damage
Michael Andrew Clayton AKA The Stang posted in the group Meme-Mania
Please observe the photos and understand something so disgusting and completely unforgivable what the
parasites do to us from being born
The whole essence of this is cutting the umbilical cord and stealing our placenta which being new born we need this to develop and thus them removing it leaves us brain damaged and starved of aether and the…Read More -
Michael Andrew Clayton AKA The Stang posted in the group Meme-Mania
Meme meltdown
Michael Andrew Clayton AKA The Stang posted in the group Old World
The incredible amazing old world and check out the photos of the flooding I think these ones are from geoengineering weather modification because its been around for a long time now at least the past couple of centuries
Michael Andrew Clayton AKA The Stang posted in the group Old World
Check out the gigantic buildings in these detailed amazing engravings/lithographs and you can see how a bunch of these melted would be the size of a mountain and most definitely were not built or constructed by this civilisation I mean, just look at the tiny ant size people and critically think if they would want to build such huge structures as…Read More
Michael Andrew Clayton AKA The Stang posted in the group Old World
More energy collecting antennas domes for the harnessing of the free abundant energy that the parasites keep hidden from us is such a shame we do not have more knowledge about this because if we did the world would be a much better place environmentally and financially
Also notice the advertisement for radium foot heater so radium? or radiation…Read More -
Michael Andrew Clayton AKA The Stang posted in the group Old World
Energy harvesting antennas its what the old world was about utilising the infinite supply of invisible electromagnetic energy we know as aether and a element which was never mentioned to us in school
but now we are learning how this old world collected and used this energy and incorporated it into their worldwide infrastructure making the world a…Read More -
Michael Andrew Clayton AKA The Stang posted in the group Old World
Two amazing photos of my home town of Blackpool with the paddle steamer and one of the piers plus some other random cool looking old world abandoned house
Michael Andrew Clayton AKA The Stang posted in the group Old World
More interesting artwork from the past of people and places
Michael Andrew Clayton AKA The Stang posted in the group Old World
Some interesting artwork here of people from the past and we can not trust who they are because its probably lies as we all have learned history to be a total crock of sh*t.
So I just wanted to put them on here for all to see - Load More Posts